This has been a crazy and unsettling time for all of us. Our hearts go out to those who have been affected by the virus, whether that be through becoming ill, losing loved ones, feeling lonely through isolation or suffering financially.
The virus has affected us both personally and financially, but we are determined to stay positive. We used the time at home to update policies, complete online training, develop ideas for new services and treatments, and work on getting the clinic Covid-19 secure and ready to re-open.

For most of lockdown the weather was lovely, so we have enjoyed the benefits of being outside around nature, which is great for bringing down stress levels!
We enjoyed exploring local footpaths and now have several new dog walks. Chip, our little Cairn x poodle has loved having us home.
We’ve also been in the garden a lot, and now have fruit trees, a variety of berries and salad pots on the go!

Changes to clinic procedures
Since Monday 1st June, following guidelines from our professional body, we have been open to all podiatry patients. We have the following adaptations in place to keep you safe.
· Only 1 practitioner and 1 patient in the clinic at once
· Extended, appointments for a personalised service
· Podiatrists wearing PPE according to guidance
· Protective screens in treatment rooms
· Thorough cleaning of all touch points between each appointment
How you can help us
· Please wash your hands or use a hand gel before entering the clinic
· Please wear a face covering to the appointment
· Arrive at the time of your appointment and don’t bring anyone unless they’re a parent/carer
· Please pay by card where possible
We hope you will feel reassured and confident that we are doing our best to protect you. We are keeping a close eye on things and will do our best to keep you up to date, should local restrictions alter.
Price changes
Due to changes to how we are working including extended appointment times and increased prices of PPE and cleaning products, some of our services have increased in price. We will inform you of any change before we carry out the treatment. Currently routine podiatry appointments have increased by £2.50.
Thanks for supporting us and stay safe!