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Coronavirus update


In light of the current situation regarding the outbreak of Covid-19 (coronavirus) we would like to reassure patients that we are keeping ourselves up to date with government and NHS guidelines and protocols to ensure our facilities are safe for patients to attend.

We ask all patients to please observe the guidance below which is based on information from the Government and NHS websites. You will find links at the bottom of the page to both reliable resources.

Guidance for infection prevention

1. Frequently wash hands using soap and water or alcohol-based hand gel (at least 60%).

2. On entering the clinic building please wash your hands.

3. Carry tissues so you can cover a cough or sneeze and throw straight into a bin after use. If this is not possible, sneeze/cough into your elbow.

4. Avoid contact with anyone who has a persistent cough/fever.

5. Avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth with unwashed hands.

6. Clean & disinfect frequently touched objects/surfaces.

7. If you have a persistent cough or fever, self- isolate for 14 days. If symptoms worsen during the isolation period, or are no better after 14 days visit NHS 111 online https://111.nhs.uk/or if you have no access to a computer, call NHS 111. Please do not visit your GP.

Self isolation

The Government recently announced they would be advising people to limit social contact and advised self-isolation for older people which could be for up to 4 months. During this period we will still be providing clinic appointments provided you have no symptoms. For any people who wish to remain at home and have no symptoms, Ayres Health will provide temporary home visits if necessary.

For the most current and reliable information sources, here are the links to NHS and government information:



© 2018 -2022 Ayres Health - Congleton - Cheshire - Foot and Lower Limb Specialists | Injury rehab | Podiatry | Medipedi | Routine foot and nail care

Ayres Health | Lion House, Lion Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW124BH | 01260 408514

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